Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Season 2011 - New Year's Eve 2011

Dale and I stayed in tonight. We made a pot pie for dinner and had left-over Yule log cake for dessert. Also, we watched Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy on television. In bed by 10:30.

Christmas Season 2011 - 'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Dale and I watched the Rankin/Bass Christmas special 'Twas the Night Before Christmas yesterday. It first aired in 1974 and I don't think I've seen it since the late 1970s. I remember loving it as a kid.

Christmas Season 2011 - Brown Christmas

We officially had a brown Christmas this year; the first since 2006.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Season 2011 - The Chrissy Christmas Crew

Dale and I went over to our friend Noel's apartment last night for her annual holiday fete. Joining us were Noel's friends Caroline and Stephen. We've been doing this get-together for at least the last 10 years and Noel always plays her favorite holiday song, Chrissy the Christmas Mouse sung by Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Conner. Actually this is the first year we didn't get to listening to the song although it was a treat to listen to Noel sing it herself. I made another yule log cake and brought it to Noel's. This time I really nailed it with the frosting (okay, technically it's "cake writing gel").

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Season 2011 - Nordic Ware Yule Log Cake

Dale and I entertained our friends Warren and Gary last night. We had lasagna for dinner and I made a Yule log cake with my Nordic Ware cake pan.  It was fabulous, even if I do say so myself!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Season 2011 - The Joe and Noel Post Holiday Shopping Adventure

Noel and I did our annual post-Christmas tchotchke shopping today. We started out having lunch at W.A. Frost in St. Paul. We then headed dowtown St. Paul to check out Nakashian - O'Neil and found a sign on the door saying that they were closed and that Mr. O'Neil had died on December 24. Noel and I discovered the store only a few weeks before and Mr. O'Neil had seemed to be in good spirits that day. We were impressed with their glass Christmas tree ornaments. I found and purchased a Nativity set there that was the same as one Mom had had in her childhood. Noel and I were surprised that we had never come across this store in our many years of Christmas tchotchke shopping together.

We also checked out Gypsy Moon on Randolph Avenue near Noel's apartment and I found quite a few things there including the star that is pictured above. Also pictured above is a Santa that Noel and I had been looking at on our last few visits to the store and decided we'd wait until they went half price after Christmas. Noel hiked over there this morning before I picked her up and found that there were two left and nabbed them for both of us.

Christmas Season 2011 - Stuff Dale Got In His Stocking

Left to right (top photo): Night Before Christmas book, Santa Bear 2006 ornament, "noel" ornament so we can think of our friend Noel all year 'round, and Mrs. Potato Head. 

Christmas Season 2011 - Stuff I Got In My Stocking

Minnie Mouse is on springy legs so she wobbles. The candle is lit by and LED bulb but you can actually blow it out AND it has a fragrance. Also, a Kiss from Dale.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day 2011 - Stockings

I bought these new Christmas stockings this year. The are quite pretty but not very stretchy. We weren't able to quite fit in all our gifts. 

Christmas Day 2011 - Christmas Cocktail

Joe with a Tanqueray martini.

Christmas Day 2011 - The (Finally) Finished Tree

I've been working on getting the tree trimmed over the course of the past week. Because I had school all the way through the 23rd I've only been able to add the decorations sporadically. The star was finally added today just before Mom got here for dinner. It's been nice to see the fully decorated tree in the daylight. Last week I was only seeing the tree after dark due to work.

Christmas Day 2011 - The Bumble On the Loose

The Bumble was running amok. I think he needed a drink.

Christmas Day 2011 - Dinner

Mom came over for dinner and we feasted on turkey. Dale did most of the prep although I did do some of the basting. 

Christmas Day 2011 - Under the Tree

Dale and Joe
Christmas Day 2011

Christmas Day 2011 - Opening Stockings

Dale got a Mrs. Potato Head - Mermaid Edition. He sure had a lot of fun putting it together. He got the "potato" in his stocking and wasn't quite sure what it was. The pieces were under the tree and when he found them it all came together and made sense.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve - My How the Bumble Has Grown

Christmas Eve 2011 - Dinner at Mom's

After the Christmas Eve service, Dale and I went   to Mom's for dinner. We started with some lovely hor d'ourves of brie cheese and jelly on crackers. For dinner we had cheese fondue and steak. Brownies  for dessert. 

Christmas Eve 2011

Dale and I sang at the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve service at Gethsemane Episcopal Church this afternoon. Mom attended the service. I had a solo in Children Run Joyfully, that went, if I do say so myself, pretty well. The service itself was lovely and it was so nice to have Mom there with us. The above photo was taken on December 4th. We haven't had much snow this season. In fact, it's the first brown Christmas we've had since 2006.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Bumble

My friend Julie from school gave me the Bumble from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer as a gift today. If you put it in water it grows. When you take it out it shrinks again.

The Greening of the Church

Dale and I went to church tonight to help with the greening.

Making Wreaths and the Greening of the Church

Helped make a couple of wreaths at church tonight. I think they turned out pretty well. Dawn, a fellow parishioner, made the bows but I did the rest.

The Tree from the Outside

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Glass Ornaments

Added a few more ornaments to the tree tonight. My friend Noel got me interested in collecting glass ornaments quite a few years back.


Set these out a few days ago.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Angel Figures

Today I set out these angels that Mom gave me a few years back. They appeared in the house on Stevens for many, many Christmases. Mom says that Grandma Jean gave them to her in the early or mid-1970s,

Michael Buble

Did a little more decorating of the tree while listening to Michael Buble's Christmas album.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Decorating the Tree

Got some ornaments on the tree tonight. I'm far from done but it's a start!

Irving Berlin's White Christmas

Dale and I finished watching White Christmas tonight. We started it last night but I fell asleep about two-thirds of the way through it (due to last nights martinis).  Dale and I have fond memories of seeing Rosemary Clooney doing a Christmas concert at Orchestra Hall in the late 1990s. She showed clips from the movie, sang songs from it and told funny stories about the making of it.