Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Season 2011 - The Joe and Noel Post Holiday Shopping Adventure

Noel and I did our annual post-Christmas tchotchke shopping today. We started out having lunch at W.A. Frost in St. Paul. We then headed dowtown St. Paul to check out Nakashian - O'Neil and found a sign on the door saying that they were closed and that Mr. O'Neil had died on December 24. Noel and I discovered the store only a few weeks before and Mr. O'Neil had seemed to be in good spirits that day. We were impressed with their glass Christmas tree ornaments. I found and purchased a Nativity set there that was the same as one Mom had had in her childhood. Noel and I were surprised that we had never come across this store in our many years of Christmas tchotchke shopping together.

We also checked out Gypsy Moon on Randolph Avenue near Noel's apartment and I found quite a few things there including the star that is pictured above. Also pictured above is a Santa that Noel and I had been looking at on our last few visits to the store and decided we'd wait until they went half price after Christmas. Noel hiked over there this morning before I picked her up and found that there were two left and nabbed them for both of us.

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