Sunday, December 31, 2017

Christmas Season 2017/2018 - Noel's Annual Holiday Fete

Saturday, December 30, 2017
The tradition continues. We figured that we've been doing this get together since 1998. 
Rosie likes to model but cannot sit still long enough to look at the camera.
Noel had to hold her so I could get this shot. 
Ella Bella is becoming more and more outgoing. She let me snap this lovely photo of her.

Noel's tree looked awesome. The teal lights are especially stunning. 

The conversation was lively as always. 

The menu included chicken wings and dummies   meatballs, cheese and crackers, fruit, and salad.

For dessert there were chocolate covered strawberries, chocolate covered cherries, and  chocolate torte (with no need of reform as it was perfect). 
Joe read and enchanted everyone with a ghost story titled Christmas in the Blue Chamber by Jerome K. Jerome.
And we all know Stephen is a tree hugger.  Chrissy the Christmas mouse made a brief appearance. She seemed a little miffed most likely due to her being more and more excluded from the event in recent years.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Christmas Season 2017/2018 - Baby It's Colder Outside

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Athena lasted about 3 minutes outside this morning. She went #1 and #2 and then looked up at me as if to say, "Well?"

We came inside and she proceeded to jump right up on the couch which is where she continues to be as I write this. 

Christmas Season 2017/2018 - Half Off

Saturday, December 30, 2017
Much to Dale's consternation I did a little mor post Christmas shopping. The green Santa cloche above and the red ornaments below were ALL half off. How could I say no?

Christmas Season 2017/2018 - Xmas Cigar with Steve

Friday, December 29, 2017

The first cigar after Christmas is my Xmas Cigar. I lit up with my friend Steve at Stogies on Grand over in Saint Paul.  He was in Saint Louis recently and picked up a bunch of cigars for me. 

Christmas Season 2017/2018 - Gathering at Susan's

Friday, December 29, 2017
John's sister Susan invited us along with John to her house for a post-Christmas gathering. Susan's friends Nancy and Liz made it as well and we were also joined by Susan's kids Ally and Nick. I haven't seen most of these folks in about a year so it was a reunion of sorts. We started with a lovely orange salad and Susan also made lamb, mashed sweet potatoes, beans, and bread. Dale an I brought pecan and pumpkin pies for dessert. I had a lovely chat with Ally about her current fellowship with a local arts organizations. She graduated from college this past spring so it was exciting to hear about  her working in her chosen field and her enthusiasm around it.
We were home by 10:30 and I indulged in a nightcap of Bailey's Irish Cream which was a gift from Mom on Christmas Day..

Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas Season 2017/2018 - Warren and Gary

Thursday, December 28, 2017
My martini next to Warren's rum concoction.

Warren invited Dale and me over for a post-Christmas gathering with Gary at his place. He made a lovely turkey meatloaf and we watched the Judy Garland episode of The E! True Hollywood Story
His place was decorated more than I remember it being in recent years.

Christmas Season 2017/2018 - Bedroom Christmas Tree

Thursday, December 28, 2017
Last year I put up a bedroom Christmas tree for the first time in many, many years. With vacation not starting until the day before Christmas Eve, time was not on my side this year as far as having things decorated as extensively as I would've liked. Anyway, I found this one half price at Kowalski's tonight while Dale and I picked up ice cream and salad fixings to take to Warren's for a post-holiday gathering tonight. I put it on my bedside table.

Christmas Season 2017/2018 - The Snowman

Thursday, December 28, 2017

I watched The Snowman today which I haven't seen in years. The special dates to 1982 and I believe was made for British television. I remember showing it to the kids at the Catholic school I taught at back in the 90s. They loved it and so did I. It's enchanting. The scene where the snowman takes the boy on a Christmas Eve flight still touches me. I got a bit verklempt while watching it...

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Day After 2017 - Joe and Noel's Post Holiday Shopping Adventure

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Noel and I weren't even sure we were going to attempt our day-after-Christmas-shopping-spree this year based on what things were looking like the day before Christmas Eve (bleak - were weren't seeing much). We decided to give it a go anyway. It helped to set our expectations low because we ended up finding a lot of really cool stuff. I found the reindeer pictured above at Patina and the reindeer pictured below at Bibelot.

I found the bottle brush tree below at a new little shop on Chicago Avenue. The two small reindeer below were found at Bibelot.

The bottle brush trees below with the turquoise and silver balls was obtained at Victory.
Of course, everything was half off!

Oh, and Noel was sweet to give me an angel from her collection! She's much better than I am about passing on Christmas tchotchkes that she's no longer using. I could stand to do a major edit but I've been saying that for years.

The Day After 2017 - Baby It's Cold Outside

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

It's cold outside. Took Athena for a walk this morning. As we got closer to returning to the house I started walking a little faster but Athena broke into a full fledged run. I had to work to keep up with her.

Christmas Day 2017 - The Bishop's Wife

Monday, December 25, 2017
After dinner we watched The Bishop's Wife and ate pumpkin pie. 

Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Day 2017 - White Christmas

Monday, December 25, 2017

Dale and I finished watching White Christmas before Mom arrived. We had actually started  it yesterday but nodded off. 

Christmas Day 2017 - Merry Kiltmas

Monday, December 25, 2017
I wore my kilt for Christmas Day dinner,

So nice to spend the day with Mom and Dale.
Mom brought over chocolate covered cherries which were always one of Dad'a favorites.

Christmas Day 2017 - Beef

Monday, December 25, 2017
Dale decided he wanted to make Julia Child's beef bourginon recipe for Christmas dinner. I helped and was more involved in the production I think since the first time we made it years ago.

To start, my job was to slice the onion.

Dale got the meat dried off with paper towels.

I also took care of getting the carrots sliced. The recipe calls for one carrot. We had baby carrots so I used about 7 of them and sliced them into quarter rounds.

Dale got the stove set up.

I cut six (they're doubled up in the photo) good sized slices of bacon into thirds.

Dale had the brilliant idea of each of us frying the  bacon off at the same time. I used the skillet and he used the casserole. 

Then we did the same thing with the meat, searing it on all sides. I'm surprised one of us hadn't thought of this before since it made it go twice as fast.
We then fried the vegetables and then added the bacon and the beef and put it in the oven for about 4 minutes, took it out and tossed it, and then put it back in for 4 more minutes.

When it came back out we added garlic,

the wine,
chicken stock,
and about a tablespoon+ of tomato paste,

brought it to a simmer and then put it in the oven for about 2 and a 1/2 hours.
As it got closer to the time to take it out, Dale fried off the mushrooms.
When it came out of the oven,
we drained off the broth,
put what was left back in the casserole,

and added the fried-off mushrooms to the casserole.

Dale needed to boil down the approximately 3 and a 1/2 cups of broth we had down to 2 and a 1/2 cups. He said it probably started out as 5 and a 1/2 cups when we put  the whole casserole in the oven and reduced to  the 3 and a 1/2 we had when we took it out.

After the broth was reduced, Dale skimmed off the fat although there wasn't much since the beef was pretty lean to begin with. We added the broth back to the casserole and waited for it to rest a bit. The smell was insanely divine.

Mom came over for Christmas dinner. She got here at 3:00 p.m. and watched The Bishop's Wife serving appetizers of smoked gouda, pears, and crackers.

We ate at 5 p.m. with the beef served over egg noodles. Dale made oven roasted brussels sprouts. Pumpkin pie for dessert.