Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year's Day 2016 - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

New Year's Day 2016

For the Christmas season a neighbor family has had this on display:

Funny because I've been planning to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens with Mom today. It was quite a bit of fun in and of itself but also because I remember going as a family back in 1977 to see the first one. It was such a trip to see the original cast back up on the big screen again and I don't care what the haters say, I thought Carrie Fisher looked fantastic. 

When the movie was over, Mom turned to the 20-something sitting next to her and said with excitement  "I took him to see the original back in 1977." I giggled with glee but the gal looked back at Mom with a blank expression. 

In the car Mom leaned over and referenced the interaction saying, "I don't think young people who've grown up watching videos of the movies can understand how exciting it was to watch the original on the big screen for the first time." 

Nope, they can't. I can't forget the warm early June night when Mom, Dad, Sam, and I went to see it suburban Minneapolis. We had no idea what to expect. No idea. 

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