Monday, January 11, 2016

Christmas Season 2015/2016 - Odds and Ends: Who Know's Where the Time Goes?

My favorite Christmas song of the past few years isn't really much of a Christmas song at all. Or is it? Except for a few passing references to winter, Who Knows Where the Time Goes, sung by Renee Fleming, falls more in the category of standard pop than holiday music.  However, the song really captures the sentimentality of the season and a desire to hold on to things past. This Christmas season I found myself trying to hold on to memories of Christmas past for who know what reason. Maybe it's because I feel time is moving more and more quickly. Maybe it's because 2015 was a tough year on me and I was looking for the comfort of the past. Maybe it's because I haven't celebrated Christmas with my brothers in so many years. Maybe it's because Mom is getting older. Maybe it's all of these things. For whatever reason, this lovely song resonated with me. 

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