Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas Season 2012/2013

See you next year...

Christmas Season 2012/2013 - Epiphany & Summary

I took down the ornaments and the tree on this beautiful, cold, sunny Epiphany day.  It reminded me of the day I put the tree up, December 24.  It's always hard for me to say goodbye to Christmas but, as we all know, if it lasted all year it wouldn't be as special.  So, there you go.  By the way, this is the earliest I've had the tree down in years.  Dale was pleased to say the least.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas Season 2012/2013 - Twelfth Night

Information found on Wikipedia regarding the origins and history of Twelfth Night:

"In mediaeval and Tudor England, the Twelfth Night marked the end of a winter festival that started on All Hallows Eve - now more commonly known as Halloween.  The Lord of Misrule symbolizes the world turning upside down.  On this day the King and all those who were high would become the peasants and vice versa.  At the beginning of the Twelfth Night festival, a cake that contained a bean was eaten.  The person who found the bean would rule the feast.  Midnight signaled the end of his rule and the world would return to normal.  The common theme was that the normal order of things was reversed.  This Lord of Misrule tradition dates back to pre-Christian European festivals such as the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia."

Christmas Season 2012/2013 - Twelfth Night

Dale and I combined celebrating Twelfth Night and an early anniversary by going to Vincent.  I started with a Tanqueray martini.  For a first course I had the cream of chestnut soup.  I believe it was chicken based and it was divine.  Dale had a salad.  For dinner Dale had fish and I had cassoulet.  For dessert Dale had a cheese plate and I had the "three creams" - a custard, pot de creme, and creme brulee.  Vincent never disappoints.  Happy 19th, Dale!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Day 2013

It was great to start off 2013 with two of the beings I love most on this planet - Dale and Athena.  After Dale got home from the gym we watched The Hangover on TBS and then made spaghetti for dinner.  We needed to eat something  a little less heavy than what we've been consuming of late.  Spaghetti did the trick!

New Year's Day 2013

I made the above graphic with the help of a scrapbooking app on my iPad.

New Year's Day 2013 - Movie

Watched When Harry Met Sally today.  First time I've sat still for more than an hour in a long, long time which is kinda sad.  Anyway, I love the exchange in the movie when Sally admits her character flaws and Harry tries to console her:

Sally: "I'm difficult."
Harry: "Challenging."
Sally: "I'm too structured. I'm completely closed off."
Harry: "But in a good way."

I watched the "making-of" documentary after the movie. I was surprised to find out how little of the movie was written when Rob Reiner and Nora Ephron decided to work together.  I guess a good chunk of the story came out their own experiences with relationships.  A couple of New Year's Eve sequences make this a good movie for watching today. 

New Year's Eve 2012 - Christmas In Connecticut

I've mentioned how much busier the time leading up to Christmas was this year.  Due to this Dale and I were way behind on watching holiday movies.  One of our favorites is Christmas In Connecticut.  Unlike other Christmas themed films like Miracle on 34th Street and It's a Wonderful Life, Christmas In Connecticut is a movie I didn't see until well into adulthood.  It was worth the wait.  This synopsis comes from "Journalist Elizabeth Lane is one of the country's most famous food writers.  In her columns, she describes herself as a hard working farm woman, taking care of her children and being an excellent cook.  But this is all lies.  In reality she is an unmarried New Yorker who can't even boil an egg.  The recipes come from her good friend Felix.  The owner of the magazine she works for has decided that a heroic sailor will spend his Christmas on her 'farm'.  Miss Lane knows that her career is over if the truth comes out, but what can she do?"

New Year's Eve 2012 - Candles

We had planned to go out for New Year's Eve with Julie and Regina but the plans fell through due to Julie not feeling well.  We decided to stay in like we did last year.  I lit lanterns and candles outside to try to liven things up a bit and be festive.  Our neighbor Deb thought we might be having a party later due to the lights and came over to wish us a Happy New Year since it looked like we were home.  We told her there was no party but invited her in to chat for a while.  It was nice to see her since it's been a while.  Neighbors always seem to disappear into their houses for the winter.

New Year's Eve 2012

Dale, Athena and I had a quiet and very enjoyable New Year's Eve.  We put together a grazing tray consisting of shrimp, herring, apples, grapes, carrots, broccoli, brie with fig jelly, and crackers.  We drank champagne along with it an managed to get quite full.  For dessert we finished off the pumpkin roulade that we had originally brought to Noel's annual holiday fete.

New Year's Eve Day 2012

Dale and I went to Pizza Luce in downtown Minneapolis on New Year's Eve Day.  It's one of my favorite casual downtown restaurants.  I had the mostaccioli and Dale had the lasagna.

Advent 2012 - Greening of the Church

On Sunday December 23, I helped with the greening of our church, Gethsemane Episcopal, by putting together a couple of wreaths.  I think they turned out pretty well if I do say so myself...

Christmas Season 2012 - The First Sunday After Christmas

The above photo is the manger scene on the altar at our church, Gethsemane Episcopal.  I took the photo on the first Sunday after Christmas.

Christmas Season 2012 - Noel's Annual Holiday Fete

On December 29, Dale and I attended my friend Noel's annual holiday soiree.  For dessert we brought a pumpkin roulade which I mistakenly referred to as a Buche de Noel.  I included her response with the above photo.  Caroline and Stephen were there and her cat Ginger also made an appearance.

Christmas Season 2012 - Holiday Lights

Christmas Season 2012 - Holiday Lights

At the Swedish Institute's gift shop I picked up some holiday lights.  They sure look beautiful in the front window of our house.  Dale and I had a Christmas season dinner on December 30.  His quote reflects how he felt about the evening.  I have to agree.  It was peaceful and quite lovely.

Christmas Season 2012 - The American Swedish Institute's New Addition

Mom and I had lunch at the Institutes new restaurant, Fika, which is located in the new addition.  We both had the cream of split pea soup.  I had the salmon smorgas and Mom had the chicken sausage with egg.  They were both delicious.  

Christmas Season 2012 - The American Swedish Institute

Mom particularly loved the solarium. I did too.  Having a place like this to hang out in every day during the winter months would sure work wonders for folks with seasonal affective disorder.  We also loved the hanging wreath with the dangling ornaments.

Christmas Season 2012 - American Swedish Institute

Mom and I visited the American Swedish Institute on December 28, 2012 to see the Christmas trees and the holiday themed rooms.  The above photo is of the Norwegian Room.