Monday, December 28, 2020
Finally tracked down a copy of the 2020 Christmas edition of Martha Steward Living at Barnes and Noble and paged through it today. Not sure why it was so hard to find this year. Usually I pick up the Christmas issue just before Thanksgiving and then read it on Thanksgiving Day after the turkey’s been put in the oven; my own little tradition. Thirty years of this magazine - wow. I subscribed in the early 90s around the time I met Dale and saved every issue. Magazines aren’t quite what they used to be. In my opinion they’ve just become supplements to their vast online editions. I gave up the subscription to Martha about 10 years ago and pitched all my back issues except the Christmas ones as you can pretty much find all old articles online. Regardless, I’ve continued to pick up the print version of the Christmas issue and still save those so I’ve got at least 27 years worth of the Christmas issue up in the attic. I know, I’m weird. C’mon, you know you were thinking it. However, my grandmother had at least 30 years of EVERY issue of Good Housekeeping stored up at her cabin “Up North” so although I’m not quit as extreme as her I do come by it honestly I guess. Not meant to be a dis of my beloved grandma. Honestly, if I had the extra storage space a cabin would afford I’d probably still have EVERY issue of Martha Stewart Living since I started reading it in the early 90s.
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