Monday, January 14, 2019

Christmastide 2018/2019 - Summary

This holiday season I've thought a lot about winter time and how we in the modern world don't listen to the signs the season is giving us. We don't live by the seasons in the way our ancestors even as recently as 100 years ago may have. With technology we tend to push through the season in a way that I don't think the way our North American and European ancestors may have. As I walked to school one morning at 7 a.m. in the cold and the dark I remember having a difficult time contemplating work that day and I couldn't help but wonder if I had lived 100 years ago if I'd even be out of the house, or even out of bed for that matter.

I've really tried to appreciate winter this year. My walks to school have been the perfect time to be aware of my surroundings and try to appreciate the beauty of winter. One morning there was a beautiful ice fog and it really made the trees look lovely. Seeing the bare trees against the November, December and January skies. The monochromatic look made by the white snow and the silvery grey skies. The calm and beauty of the city under a blanket of snow. Realizing the plants and animals are asleep as I continue to scurry about and wonder if I should take a page from their book and slow down a bit. Yes, I've really tried to listen to what winter might be trying to tell me this year.

Looking back to the beginning of November, which is what I recognize as the beginning of winter, it all seems like it's gone so fast. But when I think back to November 1st and acknowledge that the election hadn't happened yet, it all seems so long ago. It seems like an eternity when I look at it this way and think about the anxiety I was feeling those early days, and even though the election brought me some good news it seems so long ago.

As I look back a little further, say the last 4-5 years of so, I realize how my perspective is changing. The thins that used to preoccupu my thoughts were things I felt I had some influence over. Setting up a household, caree, relationship. Now that I've got those things down Im' thinking more about myself and others around me aging. I ani't got no control over that!

Helping Brenda and Irv move, and now helping mom getting ready to move indicates that more big changes are in store and that we're all just moving up in line to our entrance into the great beyond.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Twelfth Day of Christmas -

Saturday, January 5, 2019

The journey home is now something of a blur in my mind but the good news is we made it!

Dale and I had a quiet dinner at home with a roulade for dessert. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Eleventh Day of Christmas (Part 3) - Lettin' Loose

Friday, January 4, 2019

Dinner again at John and Dianne's. Everyone's exhausted but up for fun. I know I was. Cocktails by the fire pit. 

Then time to get on the Speedo and hit the hot tub for the second time today. I think it got to 67 degrees today!!

Dale and Irv joined me. We didn't think we'd get Irv in. He surprised us and said it felt great on his back. 

Salmon for dinner. Dale took Brenda and Irv home and picked up some coconut cake at Albertson's to bring back to Dianne and John's. 

In bed pretty early as we've got to get to the airport early tomorrow morning. 

Eleventh Day of Christmas (Part 2) - Dale and the Saguro

Friday, January 4, 2019

It wasn't until I took the pictures that I realized how HUGE these things are!

Eleventh Day of Christmas (Part 1) -

Friday, January 4, 2019

Early morning hot tub with John. Dianne pointed out Venus and Jupiter. Beautiful how they made a kind of arc in the sky.

Nice morning walk with Dale after the sun was up. Supposed to be nice and warm today.

Harvey Ann seems to be settling in nicely (he's off Xanax).

Grocery store run with Brenda and Irv.

Tenth Day of Christmas - Unpacking

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Early morning hot tub with John. Dale and I had breakfast at IHOP. 

Then to Brenda and Irv's for some unpacking and lunch at IHOP too. Target run to pick up some stuff for the new apartment. 

Cocktails and dinner at John and Dianne's. 

Ninth Day of Christmas - Moved In But Not Unpacked

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Woke up early and had breakfast at the restaurant next to the motel. I noticed the decorations came off the lobby Christmas tree between yesterday and today. 

Photo taken near Tuba City, AZ.

Photo taken near Flagstaff, AZ.

Got in to Phoenix and headed to Brenda and Irv's new place. Had the truck unpacked around 6 p.m.

Time for a quick cocktail before Dianne, John, Dale and I headed out for dinner. Brenda and Irv were exhausted and wanted to stay in. We brought them back some dinner from the restaurant.

Cocktails and dinner at the restaurant. John and I each had a couple Old-Fashioneds with bourbon. They were quite amazing. 

Eighth Day of Christmas - On the Road

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Got up early and had breakfast with Dale, Dianne, and John at the hotel.

Got over to Brenda and Irv's and finished packing up the truck. It snowed last night.

We left around 10:00 a.m.

Above two photos taken near Moab.

On the road most of the day but not quite as long as the trip up here since we're dividing the trip back over two days rather than one. Lot's of snow so it looked very Christmas-y.

We caravanned the whole way. John and Irv were in front in the truck. Dianne, Brenda, and Harvey Ann were in the middle. Dale and I brought up the rear and drove in Brenda and Irv's sedan.

Spent the night in Tuba City. Pizza with John, Dianne, Brenda, Irv, and Dale in the motel room.

Seventh Day of Christmas - New Year's Eve 2018

Monday, December 31, 2018

Got over to Brenda and Irv's house to pack and load up the truck.

Poor Harvey Ann was had a hard time with the move.

Some of Harvey Ann's toys were uncovered as stuff was getting moved around. I found this one with Santa on it.

After a hard day's work it was time for cocktail hour. Irv had his Canadian Mist. John had a gin and tonic. I drank gin straight. No coffee table so I improvised with a packing box.

We picked up Chinese for dinner.

I had two fortune cookies with NO fortune in them. Brenda was kind and gave me hers. What a gem! Three's a charm.

After dinner we spent time just hanging out. This'll be a New Year's Eve none of us will ever forget!

Back at the hotel I had a little fun with photoshop.

Goodnight and Happy New Year!!