Thursday, December 23, 2021

Holiday Season 2021 - Finishing Up the Grocery Shopping and Decorating the Tree

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Lazy morning followed by a trip to the gym and then the grocery store to finish up getting everything we need for now through Christmas. We're entertaining tonight and then have Mom coming over for Christmas on Saturday. Kowalski's was busy-ish but not inhumane. I'm guessing this afternoon through tomorrow will be pretty nutty. 

Upon returning home from the store I spent some time decorating the tree. I got the medium and large Christmas balls up but that's it so I only made it up about half way up from the bottom. Not worried about having it only partially decorated for company tonight. As I get older I'm growing tired of imposing deadlines on myself that are not for life or death situations like, say, decorating a Christmas tree. 

You have to look hard in this photo to see the top half is sans balls. 

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