Sunday, November 22, 2020

Starting Early This Year

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Lots of folks seem to be willing to jumpstart the Christmas season a little early this year and get it going. It all makes sense as this has been a really dreary year. Between all the pandemic related stress, racial strife, and the 2020 election I think a lot of folks, including myself, are ready to get festive. 

I always wait until Thanksgiving before even thinking about setting out any tchotchkes or listening to holiday music. I always start with more secular themed stuff and then get a bit more religious as we get closer to Christmas. 

There's been so much loss this year and we're all grieving. We've lost the freedom to move about and gather with family and friends as easily as we're used to and the loneliness that accompanies that. Many have lost jobs and loved ones and even those two horrible things haven't happened to us, there's the worry that it could. However, decorating and listening to music is a safe way to lift our spirits. It also gives us a sense of control which feels really good when everything seems to be falling apart. 

Part of what's always appealed to me about Christmas is the anticipation. Looking at decorations is a cue to daydream of the excitement and great times ahead. 

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