Monday, January 20, 2020

MLK Day 2020 - Enjoying Winter

Monday, January 20, 2020

Last day of a 4 day weekend. 

It's been nice to have a little time to reflect on this past Christmas but also on the beauty that can be found in the moment.

Today turned out to be a beautiful, sunny winter day. 

Rather cold out but the crisp snow, sunshine, and brilliant blue sky made up for it. 

Athena did well with the cold. Since I was off of work we got a few nice walks in for her.

Neighbors seem to be getting ready for the next big holiday with some ice sculptures. I wonder how they made them. Kinda cool if you ask me. 

It's nice to see the house bathed in sunlight. The above photo was taken at 1:30 p.m. I don't usually get to see it at this time of day due to work and weekend days often seem to be more cloudy than not lately. 

Dale and I had a very simple dinner tonight however I lit a bunch of candles to mark the end of a wonderfully restful 4-day weekend. 

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