Sunday, November 24, 2019

Pre-Holiday Season 2019 - Transition from Fall to Winter

Friday, November 22, 2019

Setting up decorations for Thanksgiving...

I've thrown in some polar bears for good measure. 

Walking to school I'm noticing things trying to go back to the earth. 

Pumpkins still provide some color amidst the November gray. 

The gray can be intense. This is before sunrise and a wee bit earlier than when I usually walk to school. The air is holding a lot of moisture so it's much gloomier than usual. Beauty can be hard to spot but I notice it in the outline of bare trees against the sky. 

I think the world is trying to tell us to turn in for the season and rest. Above is a sunset captured just before I head home from work.

I'm hoping I can take the advice and rest. 

The ducks are ready to fly south. I won't be able to do that for a while. At least not until spring break. Time to settle in.

Here's to being mindful of the signs of the season. I'm ready to turn my thoughts inward and be more  aware of my body's need for rest. A time to be quiet, be still, and appreciate what I've got. As the Thanksgiving break approaches I'm ready to embrace and really appreciate some time to be with family. 

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