Friday, December 28, 2018

Fourth Day of Christmas - Off to Phoenix

Friday, December 28, 2018

1. Listened to 70s era Rosemary Clooney Christmas music in the car while taking Athena to the kennel. Always hard to leave her. 

2. Arrived in Phoenix and got a shuttle to the Drury Inn. Checked in and then admired the big tree in the lobby. 

Third Day of Christmas - Taking Down the Tree

Thursday, December 27, 2018

This is, as far as I know, the earliest I've taken down the Christmas tree. EVER. I got the tree, ornaments, and most of the tchotchkes down while Dale was out running errands. I wasn't hard to do and didn't take nearly as long as usual as I didn't set as much out this year. When Dale returned he made a comment about how empty the house looked. It surprised me because he usually wants the visual (to him) over-stimulation to go away sooner than later. I told him Christmas would just have to live on in his heart.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Third Day of Christmas - Christmas On the Couch and More

Thursday, December 27, 2018

1. Sat on the couch and admired the tree.

2. Listened to 50s era Rosemary Clooney Christmas music.

3. Listened to Bing Crosby Christmas music and drank egg nog.

4. Ate some bark left over from Noel's holiday fete. 

5. Worked on the Joe and Mike Christmas Playlist.

6. Read How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

7. Read The Polar Express.

8. Ate leftover Chinese food from yesterday.

9. Listened to Christmas 2013 playlist and read The Night Before Christmas.

10. Took down the tree and all Christmas decorations. Including the two smaller trees pictured above. One was in the bedroom and one was in the dining room. 

11. Drank some egg nog.

12. Read Santa Mouse.

13. Listened to Christmas 2012 playlist.

14. Watched White Christmas with Dale while eating a frozen pizza for dinner.

15. The cowboy Charisse gave me didn't grow much from yesterday although it looks like one of his legs is a little more engorged. I took him out of water a few hours later...

Second Day of Christmas - Jewish Christmas with Mike & Charisse

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Mike and Charisse came over for dinner tonight. We ordered Chinese food so we had our own little variation on Jewish Christmas although we didn't watch a movie. We listened to lots of Christmas music and had great conversation the whole evening although I zoned out the last hour or so they were here. Oh well, chalk it up to holiday backlash. I'm exhausted!

I put the expanding cowboy that Charisse got for me in water. We'll see if he expands.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Second Day of Christmas 2018 - Joe and Noel's Post Holiday Shopping Adventure

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Noel picked me up at 11:00 a.m. and we headed over to 14 Hill where Noel got some ornaments at half price and I got some bottle brush trees and some towels. At Patina I found some mercury glass ornaments and some Original Drinking Buddies which I picked up for Mike and Charisse who are coming over tonight. We had lunch at George and the Dragon. We were done by 1:20 and I texted Dale that I was coming home early. Because it was such a short trip he asked if everything was okay. I responded, "It's all good. We're just so much more efficient in our old age!"

Christmas Day 2018 - Dinner with Mom

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Upon returning from the hospital Dale and I got the house picked up and started some dinner prep. I had a chance to set up the manger scene. The one I used this year is a copy of the one Mom had growing up. 

Mom came for dinner around 3 p.m. and we ate at 4:00. We made a chicken pot pie with broccoli on the side. Mom showed me a photo of Uncle Denny's great-granddaughter (!) and we then talked with him on the phone. 

We took some photos and then watched the IT Crowd on Netflix at Mom's request. She has a couple episodes she absolutely adores watching. I think this is the third year in a row we've done so. 

Roulade and coffee for dessert. It was a lovely laid back get-together.

Christmas Day 2018 - Visiting John

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Dale and I stopped by the hospital to visit John. He was in good spirits and seemed delighted that we stopped by. They will be doing some tests and we'll find out more later on.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Day 2018 - Early Christmas Morning

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Woke up by 6:30 and joined Dale on the couch for coffee and biscotti. Dale noticed that John had called yesterday and upon calling him back found out he was in the hospital. It turns out he's been in for the last three days. His reason for not informing us is that he knew Dale was very busy and didn't want to bother us. Dale told me he could appreciate John recognizing how busy he is but he was understandable torqued  that John didn't let us know.

Christmas Eve 2018 - Silent Night

Monday, December 24, 2018

Returned home after the service by about 8:30 and didn't make it past 10 p.m. before needing to hit the sack. Drank some apple pie cream liqueur as there was none of the pumpkin pie variety to be found during our liquor store stop a couple days ago. Also listened the the Kingston Trio's Christmas album which always brings back a lot of memories from childhood. It feels like I'm sitting in the house on Stevens when I hear it. 

Christmas Eve 2018 - Church

Monday, December 24, 2018

Went to the Christmas Eve service at Gethsemane with Dale. I sang in the choir and played one of the Magi in Cindi's pick-up Christmas pageant. Dale was the donkey. 

Very low key service. Not that well attended but not sparsely so either. 

Christmas Eve 2018 - Athena

Monday, December 24, 2018

Athena by the "fire." One of those fire-in-the-fireplace DVDs with loon noises in the background I picked up a couple years ago. Very cozy. 

Christmas Eve 2018 - Kalle Anke

Monday, December 24, 2018

Settled in with Dale and Athena for a 3:00 p.m. Kalle Anke start time. In the recent special we watched, Donald neglects to fly south so he can experience Christmas with Mickey and friends. Unfortunately it's at great expense to his well being and health. Fear not. Santa arrives just in time and life lessons are learned. 

I find that Kalle Anke at 3 p.m. helps make a nice transition from the more secular aspects of Christmas that are hard to ignore even during Advent to the religious aspect of the imminent evening activities and upcoming 12 days.  

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve 2018 - Nutcracker Shadows

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve 2018 - Welcome Christmas

Monday, December 24, 2018

I don't know where the time goes but as we settle into Christmas I find that the meaning, magic, and sentiment only grow through the years. Welcome Christmas, bring your cheer...

Christmas Eve - Who Knows Where the Time Goes

Christmas Eve Day 2018

Dale and I went to our favorite grocery store, Kowalski's, this morning and got everything we need for today and tomorrow. Dale's at the gym now and I'm listening to Christmas music and sitting with Athena. It's hard to see her in the above photo but she's sleeping like a baby in the chair. The photo below shows her much more clearly. 

Holiday Season 2018 - Noel's 20th Annual Holiday Fete

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Noels annual holiday gathering was last night. At the beginning of the party she told us she did the math and figured that this is the 20th year of having us over! I hadn't been feeling great during the day but not so poorly that I didn't think I could make it. Sadly, I was wrong. About 2 hours in the nausea overtook me and I ended up in the bathroom for a while. Everyone felt terrible for me and Dale took me home. 

This morning I texted the above pictures to Caroline, Stephen, and Noel saying, "So sorry I had to leave last night. I felt we were just getting started! Although, as you're aware, based on how I was feeling there was not other choice. I continued to get worse after getting home and I was up multiple times throughout the night. Woke up this morning feeling better - no more nausea and so far everything is staying down. However I'm feeling week, exhausted, and dehydrated. On the couch now. Here's my view. I've been joined by this mouse who stowed away with us upon leaving last night. Says her name is Chrissy..."  [See above two photos]

Laying low today. Ate a little bit and trying to take in some coffee even though I'm not in the mood for it. However, I don't want to go without it and risk a headache later. 

Noel texted me back a bit later saying, "Don't apologize! So glad your'e feeling a bit better today. Take good care of yourself. I hope Dale stays well too. Peace."

Caroline responded, "I'm glad you're feeling better! I had that little bug too - quick but feisty. Take care and give Chrissy some cheese!"