Monday, November 29, 2021

Thanksgiving Weekend 2021 - The Return Home

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sadly, we had to leave. Both Mom and I really enjoyed the time we spent with everyone. 

Pete got us to the airport with plenty of time to spare. We ordered a little lunch while we waited for our flight. I got a Bloody Mary and some quesadillas while Mom got a beer and some French fries. 

I read a bunch of Christmas magazines on the plane including Martha Stewart Living. Dale picked us up at the airport and it was so good to see him.

Cocktails at home and spent time catching up with Dale. 

Listened to Christmas music.

Dinner and dessert. 

Thanksgiving Weekend 2021 - Ghostbusters Afterlife

Saturday, November 27, 2021

In the afternoon we went to see Ghostbusters Afterlife.

It was a whole bunch of nostalgic fun and I think everyone really enjoyed it. 

We figured out that the original movie came out in 1984. That's 37 years ago! It was fun to go out and see a movie and I can't even remember the last one I saw in a movie theater. The pandemic made it quite difficult. 

Thanksgiving Weekend 2021 - Christmas Decorating

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Emma and I played some darts this morning (she won AND got her first ever bullseye.

Stephanie told me the kids really want the house  decorated every year but have never really helped and she ends up doing it herself. This year Emma was really excited to help. Stephanie and I helped her find the Xmas stuff in the basement. She wanted to set up the manger scene first. 

It was very sweet seeing Mom help her with the wooden part of the manger scene. 

Emma arranged the figures all on her own. 

Emma also set up and fluffed the tree by herself. Mom and I helped her put on a few of the decorations but she did quite a bit of on her own. Stephanie put set the TV to holiday songs on Amazon Music. I sang along to a few of the tunes while Emma finished up the tree. She was amazed that I knew ALL the words. 

I finally admitted that all the songs were sing-a-long and had the words posted on the screen.  

Stephanie got the stockings hung and also put up the Advent calendar. Part of the reason she's less than thrilled to decorate every year is that she ends up doing it all by herself. Well, this year Emma was old enough to really lend a hand. It was wonderful to she how excited she was and how she really enjoyed helping. 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Thanksgiving Weekend 2021 - Black Friday

Friday, November 26, 2021

Bought a few things online for Black Friday.

Usually I try not to buy anything on Black Friday. These items however are from a smaller independent business. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Thanksgiving Weekend 2021 - Brewery Hopping

Friday, November 26, 2021

Pete wanted to go on a brewery tour today so we went to a whole bunch of them. Leo met us at the first one for lunch. It was nice to catch up and he taught us a card game called 99 which the kids really liked. 

We went to at least 6 different places. Some were wineries and one was a distillery. 

My favorite drink of the day was a whiskey-bourbon cream drink. 

Pete and Xander played a golf video game at one of the places.

Steph and I got cider slushies at one place. Here Abby pretends to drink Stephanie's slushie so Stephanie and take our picture together. 

The final stop had you pay up front for 32 ounces of booze and then put it on a card you could use to to scan a tap and pour your own drinks.

I started with a strawberry mojito and then tried a beer they carry from Pete's brewery. 

Pete had a friend of his meet us there. Pete and Xander continued to play their golf video game and Pete's friend joined in. Emma and I played darts. 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021 - Dinner Time

Thursday, November 25, 2021

So good to be able to spend some time with the nieces and nephew especially after 2 years (due to the pandemic). Here I am with Emma. 

After a brief phone conversation with Sam we all sat down to dinner. 

So good to have everyone together but I miss Dale. Cherish those around you.

Dinner included turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, bread and more! Of course there was pumpkin pie for dessert. 

Loki sat patiently beside my chair. 

After dinner Xander and Abby played against me, Stephanie, and Mom in a game of Beat the Parents.

Above photo from audubonsociety@instagram. 

Thanksgiving 2021 - Day Drinking

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Pete had some Hendrick's on hand. Watched Psych with Steph and the kids. 

Thanksgiving 2021 - The Chef

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Pete putting the turkey on the smoker. 

Thanksgiving Day 2021 - The Parade

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Woke up early this morning, about 5:00. Laid in bed for a while. Finally got up at 7:00 and ran into Pete who was on his way to the gym. Didn't see anyone else until Mom got up around 8:45 which really stunk because I couldn't figure out the coffee maker! 

Emma made blueberry muffins and we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade at 10:00.

I'm getting old because I only recognized 2 of the many musical acts who performed. 

The floats were more familiar to me than the people. 

Note: Top photo by Dawn Parson and appeared on usinterior@instagram. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Thanksgiving Travel 2021 - Off to See Pete

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Dale dropped Mom and me off at the airport this morning at around 11:00 for our 1:30 flight out to Washington D.C. to visit Pete and family in suburban Virginny. Uneventful flight but that's just fine. 

The plan was for Pete to pick us up but when his car pulled up he was in the passenger seat and Abby was driving (ABBY was driving!). Had corned beef casserole for dinner and then played with the dogs for a bit. Loki (on the left) is about a year and a half old but I'd never met her as this is the first time I've been out to see them since the pandemic began. Thora Peaches (on the right) is sweet as ever. I'm missing Athena intensely so it was nice to have dogs around. 

Stephanie made the kids peach daiquiris (with Sprite instead of vodka). She made one for me too (with cherry brandy instead of Sprite). The were good. The kids used the tiki glasses I bought them a couple years ago and I got the purple pineapple sippy cup. 

Abby and Xander played darts and Mom, Emma, and I played Bananagrams. Quiet, relaxing, laid back evening. Good to be here. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Illness, Recovery, Vaccinations, Recovery, and Looking to Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 21, 2021

This past week as been a doozie. A week ago Friday (Nov. 12) I felt quite worn down. I chalked it up to a long week. The next morning I woke up not feeling well at all. I cancelled my plans with Noel and stayed in bed all day. Sunday was more of the same. I felt so awful I had Dale take me to the airport's Covid testing site and I called in sick for Monday. Monday afternoon I got word my Covid test was negative but still took Tuesday off. I was feeling a bit better Tuesday afternoon and went to work on Wednesday feeling pretty much back to normal. I had my second shingles vaccination shot scheduled for Friday. When I got to the clinic they convinced me to get my Covid booster shot as well. I had a strong reaction overnight and was knocked on my ass by Saturday morning. Cancelled my plans with Noel again and stayed in bed all day. 

I'm feeling much better today. Dale and I went to Pittsburg Blue at the Galleria for brunch and did some shopping at Barnes and Noble afterward. Dale got a book and I got a bunch of magazines for the trip Mom and are taking Wednesday to go out and see Pete and family out in Virginia. 

I also picked up some Christmas cards. 

Oh yeah, and we had a chicken pot pie for dinner.